So, it's the 17th day of the year, and the 17th post of the year. I guess there'll come a day when I miss a day, but I've no idea when this will be. I do worry, though, that if I miss a day I'll lose the impetus of writing posts.
You only have to look at my previous blogging history to see how infrequently I posted before. I'd always meant to blog more often, but other things got in the way; life has a habit of doing that. I mean, 17 posts this year so far. And then before that 17 posts in the whole of 2011, 2012, and 2013 put together. But during much of that time I did have rather more important things to deal with. Life getting in the way...
And I guess keeping on slogging away with the blogging will only mean that the quality of this toss will get better; unlike some other stuff I write these posts are, mostly, just splurged straight from my brain to the screen. There's usually some editing done, but only minor stuff. Occasionally, as well, I'll get a good way in to writing a post and think it a load of tosh. Yesterday's brief Twin Peaks blog was the second thing I post I wrote; the first about how I came to stop watching 24 was almost completed before I decided it was a pile of piffle and needed replacing.
I guess some of you reading this will think that this post should have served the same fate... but like I say, these posts are just the odd splurges of my brain worming their way on the the screen, and not anything that's pored over to ensure that every word is correct.
Other stuff, the stuff I'm not posting daily, the stories mostly aren't like this. I pore over them, trying to make sure that they've not only got the correct words, but that every one means what I want it to mean. Oh, the sentences I've rewritten a dozen times. The single scenes taking days, nay, weeks to get right. It's torture. Maybe I should take the same approach with these; just splurge it all out, leave it, and then edit. But I find it hard to let something lie with elements I dislike. I don't mind if, well... when, these posts are imperfect, but the stories... they gotta be spot on.
'Cos when they're finished they gotta be perfect..., back to the cafe, and that scene.
And no... no spoilers.
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