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    Saturday 10 January 2009

    "...mind the gap..."

    I was listening, the other day, on my MP3 player to the Popjustice compilation album (being the third best compilation ever* and I can't help but wonder why every MP3 player I have ever had is incapable of playing songs without a gap between them. There always is a gap. For most albums you probably won't notice as gaps are naturally built in between songs. But with an album like Popjustice where all the tracks either bleed in to each other, or crash straight from one to the other, it's really glaring and noticeable. Also, it's obvious with things like The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

    It strikes me as really odd that with all this modern technology that this seemingly simple thing isn't a standard. Am I just unlucky with the MP3 players I've bought (I've had about 5) or are they all like this? And if they are all like this, why? I mean, surely it's not rocket science to get tracks to play seamlessly in to each other? 

    * - because someone will ask: 1 - There And Back Again Lane, 2 - Rough Trade Indiepop 1 (incidentally... will we ever get Indiepop 2...?).

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