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    Friday 30 January 2009


    Okay, in my previous post referring to the first episode of this third season of Skins, I opined the opinion that in my opinion the character of Cook is, not to put to fine a point on it, a cunt.

    The second episode was the Cook episode, and the plot - well, I say plot - revolved around his birthday shenanigans. So, with this episode we got to know Cook a little better and to evaluate whether the initial impression that he is a cunt was, in fact, an accurate representation of his character. I must say, I was wrong.

    I underestimated his level of cuntiness.

    He is an extremely massive cunt. He is the Crown Prince of Cunts. 

    But, despite being an extremely massive cunt, he is immensely watchable; you're kind of wondering what he's going to do next, and to what depths of cuntiness he will descend to. It's kind of spellbinding in this respect. It takes something to have a character who's such an extremely massive cunt and yet still make him compelling viewing. It worked with Tony in Season 1, and it's worked here again.

    I found myself warming a little more to JJ this time, and have realised he's more of a twat than a cunt. 

    And the thing about the Good Twin being the lesbian rather than Naomi was rammed home this episode with a single line between the two when Naomi said "Why does your sister think I'm gay?" Subtle... nah. 

    But, two episodes in, I think they've managed to pull of this cast renewal perfectly. I was initially really doubtful it would work, but it has refreshed the show somewhat. This is, of course, not to denigrate the original cast, but every story has to have its time, and the two seasons we had with the orginal cast were - odd episode here and there aside - wonderful. I'm going to enjoy the two years we'll have with this gang...

    ...doesn't mean, however, I don't miss Cassie immensely...

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