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    Monday, 17 January 2011

    "...we're going to need a bigger boat..."

    So, over the last week I've been watching, with quite some despair, the programmes on Channel 4 about fishing; notably, Hugh's and Gordon's.

    The whole discard issue is completely stupid. The fishermen have a quota limiting the number of each type of fish they can bring back to land with them... only their nets catch rather more. To ensure they keep within the quota, the fishermen chuck swathes of dead fish back in to the sea.

    Now, the idea behind quotas is that certain fish are not overfished. A noble sentiment. But, if they are being caught, and thrown back dead; what's the point? They are still being overfished. The entire point of the exercise is defeated. Better to say that each crew is allowed a set amount of time out at sea, and they can bring back whatever they catch. That would be a much better way to conserve stocks, and also to ensure that if a fish is caught and killed, it's eaten, rather than just thrown back.

    More senseless is the shark issue; they are caught, have their fins lopped off, and thrown back in to the sea to die an agonising, slow, death. All to supply a trade in shark fin soup...

    ...and the thing is, it's estimated that some shark populations have been reduced by 90% in a decade. From whatever perspective you look at it, this is stupid.

    From an environmental perspective, it's a disaster that could completely screw up the ecosystem in areas of the sea as species are driven to extinction.

    From a shark fin soup fan's perspective, it's also a disaster; after all, if all the sharks are extinct, how are you going to ever have your favourite soup again?

    It's bad news all round...

    Sunday, 2 January 2011

    "...I've told you a million times..."

    2011 things for 2011

    In which I make 2011 comments to start the year 2011...

    1 - Watching Iron Man (or at least most of it) makes me think that the casting of Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark is probably the best piece of super hero casting thus far.

    2 - Though Chris Evans (not that Chris Evans) as the Human Torch comes a close second.

    3 - If there is a scene at the end of the credits of a film, this should be stated in the BBFC classification summaries. Missed SLJ when I saw Iron Man at the cinema.

    4 - I swear there is a moral behind the movie Animals United, but it's so subtle I can't figure out what it is...

    5 - Speaking of which; there are no wombats in that film.

    6 - Frankie Boyle is less offensive than the Meet the Fockers franchise.

    7 - David Cameron is an anagram of "A rancid demon".

    8 - Statistically, 38% of people will believe that without checking.

    9 - It is genuinely an anagram of Odd Maniac Rev, Avid Mac Drone, and A Man Divorced.

    10 - iTunes is the biggest ball of sucky software in the world.

    11 - Adrian Lester should be the next James Bond.

    12 - The re-releases DVD of Our Friends in the North has the proper music.

    13 - Since it started, it has raised over 5 hundred million pounds.

    14 - There appears to be neither rhyme nor reason to the pricing of Kindle books.

    15 - Did anyone really think this would get to 2011 entries?